The Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation Concentration aims to foster entrepreneurial spirit and global vision of students by using a multi-disciplinary and practical approach to provide them with entrepreneurial mindset, skills, knowledge and experience for business venturing, growth and development in local and international environment. This concentration is to prepare students to work as entrepreneurial change agent within a corporate setting or start up their own business venture.

** Subject to Senate's approval, the Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation Concentration will be discontinued from offering effective from AY2025/26 first-year entry.**

To create, lead, and connect in the age of uncertainty - we live in a VUCA world. Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Organizations and individuals alike face the “new normal” where the only constant is change. By fostering entrepreneurial mindsets and business innovation we equip the new generations with competence and grit to thrive under the conditions of uncertainty and crisis. By applying the entrepreneurial logic to developing and running organizations, we help our future graduates to redefine the meaning of VUCA by turning volatility into vision, uncertainty into understanding, complexity into clarity, and ambiguity into agility.

Students will take a deep dive into entrepreneurial knowledge, develop highly transferable skills, and foster entrepreneurial mindsets that will allow them to become the agents of change. Upon graduation, students will be able to confidently leverage uncertainties in creating their own businesses, in leading innovation and change in well-established organizations they choose to work for, or in connecting various functional areas of business to generate strong synergies.

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EBI is the only concentration that allows you to work on your business while still studying full time. In consequence, some of our students start their own businesses in the last year of studies and continue on this path after graduation.

In short, we foster must-have skills of future top-level executives:

  • Creativity, innovation, and design thinking
  • Critical thinking and complex problem solving
  • Proactiveness, grit, and resilience for the future
  • Confidence in facing uncertainties and challenges
  • Teamwork and networking, and many more

Our students are trained to be confident agents of change and commit to making a lasting impact in the world.

Through our required coursework, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how businesses build and maintain their competitiveness through empathy, innovation, and creativity, even when times are tough

Through our seminars, workshops, mentoring, networking events, company visits, and business competitions, students will expand their social networks and build relations with star entrepreneurs from the GBA region and beyond

Through our practice-oriented, intensive summer internship program, students will have opportunity to work in top companies in Hong Kong and overseas

Through our exchange opportunities, students will gain exposure to other cultures, multiple-perspective thinking, and build their independence for the future

Additional graduation options include a Double Concentration within the BBA, or a Minor in a non-business discipline

What sets EBI students apart upon graduation is their unique skillset that can be leveraged in multiple careers.

Skills such as flexibility and adaptability, proactivity, tech savviness, collaboration and communication skills, complex problem solving, innovativeness, analytical thinking, and perseverance, are what we train and what the employers want.

After graduation, EBI students have a wide range of career options as:

  • Entrepreneurs

  • General managers

  • NGO and charity managers

  • Consultants and strategists

  • Project and product managers

  • Business development managers

  • R&D managers and innovators

  • User experience designers

  • Market research specialists

  • Public relations, marketing, social media managers

  • Advertising and communications executives

  • Community leads

  • Sales managers Investors and fundraisers

  • Event organizers

  • Accelerator and co-working space manager

...and more!

We put strong emphasis on practice. Our students can further shape their creative and critical thinking skills in a real work environment by enrolling into two different Entrepreneurial Internship elective courses, BUSI 3037 Entrepreneurial Internship I and BUSI 3047 Entrepreneurial Internship II, which jointly offer over 480 hours of practicum.

These courses allow students to gain academic credits and sound professional experience in one go! We work with the best local and overseas start-ups and corporates to provide this exciting opportunity for experiential learning and growth. Our longstanding partners include but are not limited to such big names as to GoGoX, 9gag, Ztore, Klook, WeLend, DayDayCook, OneDegree and Moneyhero.

9 units

BUSI2046  From Insight to Prototype: Generating Opportunities with Market Insights

BUSI3057  Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures

BUSI3065  Me, Us, and Them: The Human Factor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation