Graduation matters! Students of HKBUBBA must satisfy the following requirements for graduation.

Self e-Learning
BBA Graduation Requirement from 2023/24 cohort onwards
Self e-Learning Self e-Learning

With technology changing business models and jobs, the pursuit of lifelong learning is no longer an option, but an imperative. Business students need to continually upskill to remain competitive in the job market. In view of this, the BBA Programme is launching a self e-Learning graduation requirement to advocate learning autonomy and meet the demand for fast-changing digital skills.

Self e-Learning allows students to learn at your pace with full control. The flexibility increases the motivation, deepens the learning (you can revisit or pause anytime) and improves time management (you can attend anytime and on a mobile device), leading to a fulfilling learning experience.

Hour Requirements

All students must complete a minimum of 40 hours courses on the LinkedIn Learning by the 2nd semester of their Year 4 studies to be qualified for graduation. Otherwise, their graduation may be deferred. The new requirement will be effective and applied to all BBA students of 2023/24 cohort and onwards.

For details, please check the Guidelines on Self e-Learning Graduation Requirement.

Experiential Learning Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning
120 hours or above
Experiential Learning Experiential Learning

With the aim to encourage students acquire experiential learning and apply business knowledge in and from real world environment, “Experiential Learning” has become a graduation requirement for BBA students starting. Students are required to complete one of the following Experiential Learning activities before graduation:

  • Internship (local / overseas)

  • Exchange Programme (regular semester / summer) or

  • Service Learning Projects
Intended Learning Outcomes

To ensure students achieve learning outcomes of appropriate standard, the following learning outcomes are devised. Upon completion of the experiential learning requirement, students are expected to:

  • Understand more about business related career and develop their career interest.

  • Develop proper work attitude and business skills essential to be a young professional.

  • Exhibit enhanced knowledge and abilities resulting from work experience, study abroad and / or service-learning experience.

* For details, please check the General Guidelines for Experiential Learning Activities. (updated: September 2023).

* For Internship, please download the Employer Evaluation Form on Intern Performance HERE. 

General Requirement
General Requirement General Requirement

BBA students are required to take 128 units to fulfill the graduation requirement, which includes General Education courses, Business courses and free electives. BBA students begin their university life with general education and business foundation courses in Years 1 and 2, taking more advanced and more specialized courses as they move into Years 3 and 4. In Year 4, they have to complete an Honours Project on a topic of their selected Concentration.

Students are encouraged to log-in to Student Area and refer to the Student Handbook to their intake year for details.