Every HKBU student is assigned an academic advisor.

Advisors will be notified about their assigned advisee by the BBA Programme Office (for first-year entrants) or by their Department (for senior-year entrants) by mid-September every academic year.

It is recommended that academic advisors and their advisees maintain regular contact. The nature and format of these interactions can span everything from formal consultation meetings to casual get-togethers, and may take place either online or in person.


For First Year Entrants

· to smooth students’ transition to the University learning environment;

· to advise students on choosing their desired majors or courses that fit their aspirations, interests and abilities, amid fulfilling the graduation requirements;

· to assist students in formulating their study plans so as to develop the attributes expected of them;

· to counsel students to set attainable academic goals;

· to provide students with guidance and necessary support when they encounter academic difficulties;

· to guide them to seek and use University learning resources; and

· to engage students to consider or plan for further studies

For Senior Entrants

· to provide continued academic support to students throughout their learning journeys in the University;

· to help students work out their study plans year by year;

· to assist students in fulfilling various graduation requirements;

· to guide them to seek and use University learning resources; 

· to monitor students’ progress in their learning and to provide them with guidance and necessary support when they encounter academic difficulties;

· to keep track on achievements of relevant goals and the achievement of graduate attributes; and

· to encourage students to plan for careers or further studies after graduation.

Advisors are encouraged to contact and offer help to advisees regarding the following important university arrangements:

  • Course add/drop period
  • Concentration declaration (by the end of March)
  • Last day of classes
  • Exam period
  • Semester break


HKBU offers quality first year experience to students and continue to provide advice and aid to students on academic matters through academic advising.

You are expected to provide students with useful study related information, help them formulate their study plans and prepare them for future careers or further studies after graduation.


For the University's general guidelines, please visit CHTL website: Academic Advising @ HKBU.

For BBA curriculum information related to a specific concentration, please direct the students to the the following colleagues:

Accounting Concentration
Mr. Anthony Cheng (atfcheng@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 5206)

Economics and Data Analytics Concentration
Dr. Aries Wong (arieswong@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 6611)

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation Concentration
Dr. Marta Dowejko (mdowejko@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 8004)

Finance Concentration
Dr. Astrophel Choo (astrophel@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 8014)

Human Resources Management Concentration
Dr. Alison Chan (alisonchan@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 7478)

Information Systems and Business Intelligence Concentration
Dr. Dimple R. Thadani (dimplet@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 8235)

Marketing Concentration
Dr. Clara Kan (clarakan@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 7547)

Strategic Retail Management & Innovation Concentration
Ms. Joyce Kong (joycekong@hkbu.edu.hk; 3411 2431)